
  • Welcome Back HCA students, parents, staff, and community partners.  As the new school year begins the HCA staff continues to be PASSIONATE and dedicated to the academic development and social growth of our students.  Our mission is to provide a nurturing student-centered college prep environment in which students will attain academic skills, health career-themed technical skills and community awareness qualities that will allow all students to make a successful transition to post-secondary education and a health-related profession.

    The HCA staff is aware of and values the role it plays in helping this community evolve and strengthen. PASSION is our school motto, P=Professional, A=Academic, S=Service Oriented, S=Strong, I= Integrity, O=Optimistic, and N=Nurturing. These attributes are instilled daily at HCA.

    The HCA family will continue to take a positive and nurturing approach toward guiding our youth on their journey to success.  HCA is a unique place-and our students hold the “golden ticket” that provides them an opportunity to do special things in their lives and community.


    Thank you,

    Aaron Mata, Principal