• Welcome to Fifth Grade at Hoover Elementary 2020-2021

    My name is Rachelle Lopez.   I feel very lucky to be at a school with an amazing administration, staff, students, and parents.    I have been teaching since 2003 in grades Kindergarten-fifth, with the 6 years here at Hoover Elementary in fifth grade.  I have to say that 5th grade has been an amazing grade to teach.  Fifth graders are the perfect age to make teaching enjoyable and make it challenging enough to keep it from getting boring. 

    Well it is official.  The 2020-2021 school year will being entirely online with Distance Learning!  I know this is something many of us anticipated, however, hearing it makes it a reality.  So what now?  Where do we begin?   First, we must remember that this is new for all of us, so we need to remain as flexible as possible, positive, and have an open mind.  While all of this is scary, SUSD is doing a fabulous job preparing us for the upcoming school year.  As an educator, I value my job and the opportunity that I will have to teach your child the requirements he or she will need to master by the end of the 5th grade year successfully virtually or in person.  Your child's success is a top priority. I will do whatever I can to not only help and support your child through this unprecidented time or learning, but you as well. 

    I look forward to a rewarding and challenging year, as well as the opportunity to get to know you and your student.  If you have any questions or concerns at any time during the school year, please feel free to leave me a message, email me, or best of all......ClassDojo.

    Rachelle LopezMrs. Lopez
