As your Principal, I hope to get to meet each of you at orientation, parent coffee hours, ELAC, and parent workshops. I am so proud to be Principal and will work hard to support students, parents, and staff as we build upon our past successes to achieve an even greater future. 

    One way to ensure a cooperative effort between students, parents, and staff is to keep everyone informed. Taft Elementary School will continue to provide parent progress reports, report cards, student-led conferences, and notices of special events. Beyond that, we encourage each student and parent to personally get involved in the school!  Parents can support their child by joining a CAPC Parent Café meeting, Parent Teacher Organization, student-led-conferences, English Language Advisory Committee, Parent Coffee Hours, parent workshops, volunteering, or School Site Council.

    Our school goals this year are to improve our student attendance, have more parents involved on campus with school activities, and continue to make positive gains in reading, writing, and math.  With parents as an important part of the school team, we are confident our students will meet and exceed our expectations.

    The communication methods at Taft are through Blackboard Phone Calls, Classdojo, Taft Facebook, Taft Instagram, and Taft Website.  Parents are always welcome to email their child’s teacher, or call the school, and we will provide the teacher with your message. All teachers have a classdojo, which is the best way to communicate with the teacher or me.

    We value each student and family here at Taft.  We welcome your participation and partnership during the 2024-25 school year. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Let's have a happy and successful year!

    Jana Brooks



  • Jana Brooks

    Jana Brooks, Principal