School Mission and Pledge
Contact Information:
Taft School
419 Downing Stockton, CA 95206
(209)933-7285 Extension 6720ClassDojo-all school and parent information
Office Emails:
Jana Brooks-Principal extension 6702
Zua Her-Assistant Principal extension 6798
Lourdes Gonzalez-Administrative Assistant extension 6700
The mission of Taft School, that all students will have equitable access to learning with opportunities to be successful in a safe environment.
We believe that the most promising strategies to achieve our mission are
- Operate as Professional Learning Communities to work together-interdependently-in collaborative teams
- Seek and implement AVID strategies for improving student learning on a continuous basis.
- Monitor each student's academic, social/emotional progress and needs frequently.
TAFT'S R.O.A.R Principles
R Responsible
O Organized
A Always Safe
R Respectful
The morning routine will proceed as follows:
- Students may enter the front gate to enter the cafeteria and have breakfast at 7:40 a.m.
- Students will stand with their grade levels until the warning bell rings at 8:07 a.m. Warning bell signals students to walk to their line. Teachers will pick up students from their line at 8:10 a.m.
- All grade levels have a designated area in which to play.
- Students who are late to school need to check into the office before going to class
The afternoon routine will proceed as follows:
- Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will be checked out in the hallway outside classroom #1. Parents will either walk to the area or drive up and have their child loaded into the car by a Taft staff member. Bus riders will be escorted to the bus by a noon duty assistant.
- All other grade levels will exit out the appropriately assigned gate (in line) led by their teacher.
Additional Information:
- Parents are not permitted on the school grounds without an SUSD volunteer badge. Taft School uses the Hall Pass System for any vistors on campus
- To obtain an official SUSD volunteer badge, parents must complete an application through Be A Mentor. The website is Or you may obtain information in the front office.
- To meet with the teacher, or visit a classroom, please go to the front office to either schedule a meeting or leave a message. Calls will not be transferred directly into the classroom as it disrupts and interrupts instruction.
Protocol for Parents Visiting Classrooms
What Parents Need to Know Prior to Classroom Visits
- Parents cannot disrupt instruction.
- Parents cannot speak to any students.
- This is not a parent conference.
- Parents may only stay for 15 minutes. Administration will accompany parents.
Teachers need to be notified in advance of the visit. Administration will notify teacher after parent contacts administration.