About the English Learner/English Language Development Department
The English Language Learner program at August School follows the domains written and provided in our district's Bilingual Master Plan, or LEA Plan for ELLs, and are geared to address the Nine Essential Program Components (EPC) as developed by the California Department of Education.
English Learners are placed in an instructional program consistent with EC 300-340 and based on their level of English proficiency. Students at August are considered less than resaonably fluent in English if their overall score on the CELDT is below the cut score for the intermediate level (CELDT 3). Students who are less than reasonably fluent in English will be placed in a Sturctured English Immersion (SEI) program for up to one year with the possiblility of a one year extension. Students are considered reasonably fluent in English if their overall score on the CELDT is at or above the cut score for the Intermediate level (CELDT 3,4, and 5). These studetns are placed in the English Language Mainstream (ELM) program with approprate modifications until they are reclassified as Fluent English Proficient.
English Langauge Development or ELD refers to the integrated and coordinated program that is designed to ensure that English language skills are learned by EL students in an educationally appropriate setting within the legal guidelines of the education code. ELD is a course of daily instruction using teacher created units of study and taught by certified and trained teachers. ELD includes the instructional materials and methods that are used to ensure that EL students gain proficiency in oral language, reading and writing.
For more information regarding our EL Program, please contact our
EL Coordinator, or Program Specialist,
(209) 933-7160 ext 4110