School Site Council
What is the School Site Council?
The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, and classified employees, that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the site council are generally elected by their peers.
What do they do?
Our site council meets monthly, generally on the first Thursday of each month via Zoom from 2-3p.
How do I join?
Site council elections are held yearly, generally at the August Back to School night. Contact the principal, Ms. Katen, if you are interested in serving on the school site council.
Who is currently on the School Site Council?
Ms. Christina Katen - Principal
Mr. Nicholas Golden - Teacher
Ms. Alicia Flores- Teacher
Ms. Wendy Fettke - Teacher
Mrs. Catrina Parsons - SLP
Mrs. Samantha McMurtrie - Chairperson, Parent
Ms. Marleni Najera - Parent
Mrs. Melissa Sanchez- Vice-Chairperson, Parent
Mrs. Marytere Gonzalez - Parent
Ms. Sofia Colon - Parent
Harrison Elementary
2021-22 School Site Council SSC
Meeting Dates and Times -1st Thursday at 2pm via Zoom
- Thursday November 4
- Thursday December 2
- Thursday January 6
- Thursday February 3
- Thursday March 3
- Thursday April 7
- Thursday May 5
Zoom Information:
Mrs. Katen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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