Dara Dalmau
Dear Elmwood Parents,
The Elmwood staff and I welcome you to the 2024-25 school year. We are both excited and ready to continue serving your children and your families. This year, we welcome some new teachers and support staff to our Bear family. Our new mission is to provide a learning environment that is educating for excellence and empowering all students for life. We will continue with our arts-infused activities because, in addition to learning about reading, writing and math, Elmwood School also believes in educating the creative and intellectual side of each child. In addition to aligning our work with district goals, we will continue to offer AVID strategies through collaboration and organizational skills in TK-8 grade. Every classroom will represent a college again this year. Finally, we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Back to School Night. August 8, 2024.
We ask that you and your child follow some important protocols:
Please make sure your child wears the proper clothing and shoes to school. The dress code is included in this packet.
ALL students will enter the school building at the beginning of the day through the main doors.
Children should not report to school prior to 8:10am. Breakfast will be served at 8:10-8:25am.
Students are dismissed at 2:40pm. Afternoon supervision ends at 2:55pm. Parents, please be prompt when picking up your child.
All visitors must check and sign in through the front office.
TK through third grade will be dismissed through the front building. Fourth through eighth grade will be dismissed by the side gate near P1/P2. Again, dismissal supervision ends at 2:55pm. Please pick up your students on time.
We ask if students are to be checked out towards the end of the day, that you make the necessary arrangements to check out students before 2:00pm. Please bring in your ID.
Should your child complain of any ill feeling symptoms, please keep them at home: headache, stomachache, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, fever, etc.
Thank you for calling the office to report your child’s absence. We appreciate you also reporting your child’s absences through Class Dojo. Remember, this is a direct line of communication with your child’s teacher. Another way to clear an absence is by submitting a Google form. Should you need assistance with Class Dojo, please contact our Parent Liaison, Rosa Valdivia.
Finally, staff and parents are not allowed to park in the church’s parking lot. Avoid making U-turns on Cardinal during drop off, school hours and dismissal. Students should ALWAYS use the crosswalk.
Thank you for your cooperation. Here's to a great 2024-25 school year, Ms. Dalmau