Principal's Vision

  • Our vision for Elmwood Elementary School focuses on three main areas:

    1. Student Success: A major part of our work will focus on making sure each student succeeds. Our curriculum, instructional practices, and programs are all designed to enhance student success. The commitment of our staff to support each student is central to their achievement.

    2. School Community Relationships: Teacher relationships with students and their families, co-curricular activities, student celebrations, the Student Assistance Program, the Student Study Team, our Counselors, Parent Liaison, and Mental Health Clinician are essential to ensure that each student is connected with our school. We believe that the more students and families connect with the adults in our school, the greater the likelihood of their success.

    3. All staff working together in a Professional Learning Community: Teachers working together to promote their professional learning is crucial in supporting student achievement. Our Professional Learning Community is characterized by a shared mission, vision, and values; collective inquiry, collaborative teams, action orientation, and experimentation; results orientation; and continuous improvement.
