Welcome to the CSSS Band
My name is David Olson, and I graduated from University of the Pacific in 1986. I began teaching in Stockton in 1987, and have taught instrumental and choral music at every grade level since then. For the past few years I have been teaching instrumental music at Commodore. I am an instrumental musician and continue to play with ensembles in Stockton and Lodi.
Our program begins in the 5th grade. Students may sign up to play one of the band instruments. They attend lessons twice a week during the school day.
In the 6th grade students become "intermediate" players and continue with lessons twice weekly.
In the 7th and 8th grade, band becomes a part of the school day and the students have class every day during 6th period.
Our band puts on evening concerts periodically (three times a year). We also perform for the grade levels at the school.
The band has strives for excellence while enjoying learning and playing popular music from the band repertoir including movie music and popular jazz tunes.