About the Teacher

  • Paul Walejko




    KidsAstronomy:  http://www.kidsastronomy.com/index.htm

        Site contains basic information on the solar system and universe, with a fun model of the planets orbiting the sun.  Contains links to other educational sites.

    NASA for Studentshttp://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/index.html

        NASA's official site focused for students, you can make it more specific by clicking on the toolbar indicating for students grades 4-8.  Has a wide range of information from planet comparison to other objects in space.  Because it is our national space agency, it also has updates on space missions that are currently underway, and ones that will be upcoming.

    Space.com:  http://www.space.com/

          Site contains a wide array of information, with a search box to help you narrow down the site to your topic.  Also contains great images that could be used in a presentation.

    Windows to the Universe:  http://www.windows2universe.org/

        Excellent site that contains well organized and accessible information on anything you may need for your projects.  There is an in depth analysis of each planet, including their makeup, atmosphere, etc.

    Scirus, Search Engine for Scientific Information Only: http://www.scirus.com/

        This is a good search engine to find additional information on your subject, although much of the material supplied may be at a high school or college reading level.