For Parents
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Parent/Guardian Role in Emergencies
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Providing a safe place for students to learn and grow is one of the most important responsibilities of our school system. All Stockton Unified School District schools have a Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) plan in place. Drill procedures for emergencies and disaster are regularly practiced at school. Along with school staff, your family plays a critical role in preventing and responding to school emergencies. The information in this document is intended to provide parents/guardians with the steps you can take before, during and after an emergency.
BEFORE EMERGENCY: Prevention/Preparedness
- Report any issues, concerns or rumors related to safety to your school principal or local law enforcement.
- When visiting our schools sign in/out at the school office and wearing a visitor’s badge at all times while in the building.
- Regularly update your student’s Emergency Card with your current contact information and emergency information. This is the contact information which will be used for our automated telephone system to alert you to situations. In the event of an emergency, only custodial parents, legal guardians and those persons listed on the emergency care are allowed to pick up students at a parent re-unification center.
- If your child is on medications taken at school, be sure the school has at least a two day supply at all times.
- Create your own family emergency plan. For tips on how to prepare a plan go to the American Red Cross website:
The best action parents can take in an emergency is to stay close to their phone and e-mail and to monitor local radio and TV reports for regular updates and instructions. School and district staff are trained and prepared to care for your student in emergency situations.
- Do not drive to your child’s school during emergency situations. School streets must remain clear for emergency vehicles.
- Avoid calling the school or the district offices during the emergency. Please leave our phones open for emergency calls.
- Stay close to your telephone listed on your child’s emergency card for district updates through our automated telephone system.
- Tune your radio (KSTN 91.5 FM or KFBK 1530 AM/ 92.5 FM) and local television stations to monitor district information.
- Following a school crisis, specially trained school and district crisis intervention members are available to provide counseling and outside referrals to students, staff members and others who may need it.
- Monitor your student’s behavior and let the school know if you think counseling or help is needed.
The district will work as quickly as possible to restore normal school operations.