2020-2021 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

  • The School Plan for Student Achievement is a mandated reqirement for each school site that recevied federal Title I monies. (Education Code Section 64001 (a)(f)(g)) Within our district all elementary, high schools and dependent charter schools receive Title I funds.

    During the 2017-2020 school year, State and Federal staff has worked closely with our schools to develop a three-year plan that is strategy focused and has the ability to provide "local"/school site specific data to support the identified Title I funded strategies. In addition, the SPSAs are also aligned to the district's 2017-2020 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) - with the dependent charter school's aligning to theirs.

  • 2020-2021 SPSA Approval

    The 2020-2021 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Board of Trustees Meeting Approval for most schools sites occurred on July 28, 2020.


    Amendment: 2020-2021 Mid-Year SPSA Adjustment

    The purpose of this amendment reflects programmatic and budgetary adjustments resulting from COVID-19 restrictions requiring distance learning and virtual interactive opportunities. Other adjustments reflected are business as usual modifications to cover the cost of minor transactions based on actual costs, such as maintenance agreements or salary adjustments, and/or correction to object code assignment. Furthermore, the site's Parent Involvement 1% allocation was adjusted due to an increase in the district's federal award. The funds have been reviewed and approved by the School Site Council.


    Amendment: 2020-2021 Title I Allocation Revision Statement

    There are two reasons for the adjustment.

    Reason 1:  The district’s overall Title I allocation increased, which resulted in an increase of Parent Involvement (50643) funds. This increase was communicated and captured through the Mid-Year SPSA change process for most school sites. However, due to changes based on Reason 2, further adjusted allocations again. State & Federal Programs is implementing funding alternatives to ensure schools will not be negatively impacted.

    Reason 2: The district’s 2020-2021 Title I allocation was calculated using the most current 2019-2020 CALPADS data available at the time of the CONAPP application submission, prompting the release of the 2020-2021 preliminary allocations. Since that time, the district’s closure of Tyler Elementary and the subsequent opening of Mata Elementary school resulted in a shift of students attending the new school. Because of the shift in students, the 2019-2020 (previous year’s CALPADS data) cannot be used. The most current and available CALPADS data is 2020-2021, resulting in allocation adjustment to all school sites. Unfortunately, the initial calculation was not favorable to school sites, meaning the new allocations were less than the preliminary budget allocations. Realizing the hardships this would cause, State and Federal Programs modified the per pupil rate to ensure schools would not be negatively affected.