Definitions of Stockton Unified School District Employee Pay warrant
Box # 1 Wages
See attached list of descriptions for the frequently used hour codes based on your bargaining unit
Hours = # of units being paid
Rate = Rate in which the units are being paid
Current Earnings = units times rate equals actual amount being paid
YTD = This is a cumulative amount of each different type of earnings for the entire tax year
FAQ: Y-T-D is a cumulative total of each pay type for the calendar year, not fiscal year. Once you have been paid a pay type or rate they will stay on the stub the entire calendar year. You are only receiving rates on current pay stub that are reflected under the current column.
Box # 2 Taxes
Current deductions as well as YTD deductions are reflected
FED TAX = Federal income tax, calculated based on the IRS tables and your individual W-4 form
ST TAX = State income tax, calculated based on the FTB tables and your individual DE4 form
FICA/ SS = FICA/OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY tax is 6.2% of applicable earnings. This is a mandatory tax and can’t be changed.
MEDICARE = MEDICARE/MHI tax is 1.45% of applicable earnings. This is a mandatory tax and can’t be changed.
Box # 3 Employer paid benefits
STRS1CNT = District paid STRS (retirement)
PERS1CNT = District paid PERS (retirement)
MEDICARE = District portion of MEDICRE/MHI = 1.45%
FICA/SS = District portion of FICA/OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY tax is 6.2%
UNEMP IN = State unemployment insurance /SUI
WRKS COM = Workers Compensation insurance
FAQ: All of the contributions the district makes towards Health Insurance are not currently reflected on the paycheck stub. The employer paid Retirement/Taxes/Health insurance do not impact your gross or net pay.
Box # 4 Pre-Tax Deductions
See attached list of descriptions for the frequently used deduction codes based on your bargaining unit
Pre-Tax deductions are deducted from your gross pay before taxes are calculated. They reduce your taxable wage base. These deductions are regulated by the IRS guidelines.
Box # 5 After-Tax Deductions
See attached list of descriptions for the frequently used deduction codes based on your bargaining unit
FAQ: All after-tax deductions reduce the net amount of my check, but do not impact my taxable wages. Any changes to my deductions can impact your deferred pay
Box # 6 Wage summary
This is a summary of Box 1, 2, 4 and 5 it includes both current amounts and YTD amounts
Box # 7 Bank Information
Bank =This is where it shows the name of the institution your EFT is deposited into for both net deposits and partial deposits.
Account = type of account your money is being deposited into:
C= Checking
Amount =This box only reflects the current amount of the deposit