Distance Learning Best Practices
- Try to have a specific place, that is quiet and comfortable, to use every day for joining the live classes
- Keep your paper, notebook and other school supplies in this same space
- Close unneeded applications on your device to keep your video working best
- In order for your teacher and classmates to see you, set up your device so that you are facing a light or window. You want the light shining on your face (not behind you)
- Keep your camera on during the live class. (If you cannot have your camera on, send your teacher a message to let him/her know)
- Keep your microphone on mute while others are speaking. Use the reaction and participation icons to participate while your mic is off.
- Use a headset with an external mic for best hearing and speaking, if possible
- When you are speaking, let others know that you are finished by saying one of these sign-offs: “That’s all.” “I’m done.” “Thank you.” So that everyone knows you have finished your comments.
- Remember that the “chat box” is public and a record of the chat is kept.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Your teacher and classmates can see behind you.
- Remember that this is school! Be sure to only engage in school appropriate behavior and attire.